“You get punched,” said Alandes Powell, 62, a nonprofit director who lives near the town. “And someone comes and punches you again.”
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Sometimes we just have to do it for ourselves.
Earlier this month, a group of neo-Nazis who likely consider themselves to be of the intellectually superior race thought it was a grand (wizard) idea to travel to a predominately Black neighborhood in Lincoln Heights, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio, and stage a white supremacist demonstration near a highway overpass where they hung a swastika banner. As any Black person could have predicted, the group of disgruntled Caucasians (MAGA won the presidency and they’re still mad) ended up packing up what they could and fleeing as local Black residents came to confront them. In fact, the cowardly Klan cadets dispersed themselves so quickly that they left behind at least one swastika banner, which ended up in ashes.
Since that day, Lincoln Heights has grappled with the anonymous distribution of Ku Klux Klan materials in the area, and its leaders are finding the local community is losing faith in their ability or willingness to protect the community from white nationalist propaganda (which, at this point, has become virtually indistinguishable from MAGA American politics).
So, now, local activists have created an armed guard to send out the warning that — to quote one of the greatest lines in the rich history of Black cinema — “The devil is not welcome here!“
From The Washington Post:
For weeks, men carrying rifles have guarded the roads leading into Lincoln Heights, Ohio, stopping and questioning those who approach the Cincinnati suburb.
“You get punched,” said Alandes Powell, 62, a nonprofit director who lives near the town. “And someone comes and punches you again.”
The people of Lincoln Heights are used to fighting for themselves. The town originated as a self-governing Black community — the oldest north of the Mason-Dixon Line, it proclaims on its website — that lacked public services. For years, residents have complained of underinvestment and neglect. But the past few weeks have been different. Residents say they are distraught after being surrounded by hate and suspicious of police officers whom county officials criticized for not cracking down on the neo-Nazi march.
Many of the town’s residents are adamant that taking up arms is the only solution, even as some have questioned whether they want their neighbors taking advantage of Ohio’s open-carry law to begin an armed watch program.
“An American individual protecting his homeland with a firearm — I thought that was the most American thing that we [could] do,” said Daronce Daniels, a spokesman for the newly formed Lincoln Heights Safety and Watch Program, which coordinates the guards.
Hopefully, the Black residents in Lincoln Heights stay safe as they secure their own hoods and warn white supremacists that they have no place their and they really don’t want to find that out the hard way.
This is our America, folks. Fighting back is a must.
Video Shows Neo-Nazis Yelling Racist Slurs While Marching Freely Through Columbus, Ohio
Written by: radiofresh106
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